Julia Kent sarà in concerto a Verona a Santa Maria in Chiavica Concerti

Il violoncello di Julia Kent a Santa Maria in Chiavica

Julia Kent nella Chiesa di Santa Maria in Chiavica

Alla Chiesa di Santa Maria in Chiavica di Verona
21 aprile 2013, ore 21.00

BIO – Julia Kent è nata a Vancouver e vive a New York. Compone facendo uso di violoncello, loops, suoni ambientali e tessiture elettroniche. E’ parte della band Anthony and the Johnsons e ha collaborato a numerosi progetti musicali con band e artisti come Devendra Banhart, Mi and L’Au, Larsen, Donovan, Rufus Wainwright e altri. La sua musica è stata utilizzata come colonna sonora in diversi film (recente la sua collaborazione con Paolo Sorrentino per la colonna sonora della pellicola This must be the place) e come accompagnamento di performance teatrali e di danza. Ha suonato in Europa e Nord America, esibendosi durante festival come il Primavera Sound a Barcellona, il Donau Festival in Austria e l’Unsound Festival a New York. A Verona presenterà il suo nuovo album, Character, uscito nel 2013 per la prestigiosa etichetta Leaf.

Character cover art
  • Digital Album

    Immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

    Buy Now  $10 USD

  • Character CD

    Includes immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

    Buy Now  $14 USD

    ships out within 2 days
  • Character Vinyl

    Includes a copy of the full album on CD.Includes immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

    Buy Now  $18 USD

    ships out within 2 days

    Download + Tote Bag Bundle

    An immediate download of Character in a format of your choice and a large, heavy weight, 100% cotton canvas tote bag with the Character album artwork.Includes immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

    Buy Now  $20 USD

    ships out within 3 days

    CD + Tote Bag Bundle

    A CD and tote bag bundle. The large, heavy weight, 100% cotton canvas tote bag features the Character album artwork.Includes immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

    Buy Now  $24 USD

    ships out within 3 days

    Vinyl + Tote Bag Bundle

    A 12″ vinyl (which includes a copy of the full album on CD) and tote bag bundle. The large, heavy weight, 100% cotton canvas tote bag features the Character album artwork.Includes immediate download of 11-track album in your choice of high-quality MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

    Buy Now  $28 USD

    ships out within 3 days


released 04 March 2013