l'elefante sulla sedia a rotelle “L’artiste,” by the collaborative !ND!V!DUALS, is a scrap-wood sculpture of an elephant in a wheelchair admiring drawings of elephant exploits. Arte e disabilità

“L’artiste,” di !ND!V!DUALS, elefante in carrozzina


L’artiste elefante è sulla sedie a rotelle in questa installazione del 2012 del collettivo !ND!V!DUALS26_domathonindividualsdisitilleryweb-10

“L’artiste,” by the collaborative !ND!V!DUALS, is a scrap-wood sculpture of an elephant in a wheelchair admiring drawings of elephant exploits. (fonte)

The Process of L’Artiste at Distillery Gallery

1. Start with a great idea.
2. Ruin it
3. Try and fix it
4. Shoot Winston
5. Hide some drawings
6. Art